

Years Raced

Bikes(s) Raced

Classes(s) Raced

Lowest D37 Number Held

Current Residence

Current Hobbies

Still Ride?

If yes, elaborate

Desert Racing Highlights

Additional Comments

Lisa Hughes


Vikings, Sliders


CR80 Modified


9 (Either 1989 or 1988)


Mom, IT, Extreme Computers

Not recently

Hoping to come back for the senior class!! :)

Hey, I went from #64 down to #9 on a CR-80.....Not too bad!! Although I never made it out of Novice class, I took my fair share of hard knocks for a little girl :) I still keep my elbows up, even when riding a bicycle....giggle...

Hoping to get back out there one day; my son's heading to college next year, so maybe I'll pop-out at a race in a couple years...we'll see…..Broke my leg in 1989 and spent a year in a cast (Tib, Fib, Ankle and shattered my knee cap)...yes while riding in Honda Valley. Hi to everyone out there who even remembers me. And a special thanks to Ned McNabb, a for getting my bike home to Irvine that time, when I wrecked my car out in China Lake :) You’re a Saint!!! I just turned the big ‘50’, wow, that came quick. I keep hoping I'll move up to a CR-125 when I grow up :) I was a crazy, wild woman back then; I’ve mellowed some being a mother, but I still have a wild 'moto' spot on my soul :) So, in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, “I’ll be back” :)