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Antelope Ramblers MC
1971 to 1975
Yamaha 175 MX
Machining model steam engines, building plastic models, woodworking
Only 1, I finished 1972 Barstow to Vegas. I still cherish the moment when I crossed the finish line and my Dad was there. He was my chase vehicle driver. We hugged each other with our Walter Mitty fantasy like I just won the Indy 500.
I loved Desert Racing as it was a way to get out of the city. You raced with everyone going the same way, had medical assistance and a great club to pull you out when you broke down. For me, city life was following rules like all the other sheep. Out in the desert you could go as fast as you dared to, pass someone if you could and generally get it out of your system before you went back to city life among the sheep. I especially loved the camaraderie among your fellow racers. You went over the handle bars and 2 or 3 other guys behind you would slow down and ask if you were all right. And Desert Racing is a personal thing. Nobody sees you when you hit a rock, the back end flies up into the air and you're looking straight down at the ground and somehow you save it.